Local Technical Assistance Program

The Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) was created to share transportation knowledge, improve road maintenance and safety skills, and put research and new technology into practice at the local level. North Central was the first planning partner in Pennsylvania to work with PennDOT on promoting the LTAP program in our region.

Municipal Technical Assistance Program

Municipal Technology Assistance Program  (MTAP) – Provides opportunities to various local government entities the opportunity to upgrade technology hardware and software with some funds available towards the purchase on a reimbursement basis. In addition, funds can also be used towards training opportunities.

Computer Purchase Program

North Central offers financial assistance to local municipalities and municipal authorities to upgrade and purchase technology-related items such as the purchase of computers, software, cameras, radios, etc.

Computer Training

North Central offers financial assistances to local municipalities and municipal authorities for computer-training courses.  Classes include training on Microsoft Word, Excel and QuickBooks.  North Central works with classes held at/through local educational agencies that will provide professional development for the local government/authority personnel in performing their day-to-day job duties. Personal Development classes will not be funded

Special Projects