The North Central Energy Assistance program aids local governments, schools, hospitals and non-profits reduce energy costs. This is done through education, training, and technical assistance. Staff will also continue to raise the client’s (both public and private sector) and downtown business’s awareness of energy conservation activities and work with those clients to identify opportunities that may exist as they relate to existing capacities within their facilities. This will include providing information to clients regarding current predictive maintenance possibilities within their facilities regarding pumps, motors, bearings, shafts and blowers, thermal, UBA, windows, insulation, roof combustion analysis, lighting evaluation, etc. Services offered by the North Central Energy Assistance program include the below:

Technical Assistance
There are 3 basic levels of technical assistance:
- Level 1 – includes energy information that does not require research or project support
- Level 2 – includes research or other staff work to identify programs and partnerships or identification of a technical service provider targeted to a specific problem
- Level 3 – includes all engagement or activities involving an ongoing project that requires direct service and considerable staff time; a Level 3 technical assistance may also include the time necessary for preliminary data gathering prior to the execution of a UBA or one of the various levels of assessments as identified below
Energy Assessments
North Central Energy staff, with numerous professional certifications, will use established procedures to evaluate your building’s overall energy performance. An assessment may include, but not be limited to, a building evaluation, a comprehensive utility bill analysis and bench-marking performance information. Assessments are conducted based on client needs and will result in recommendations and implementation assistance:
- Basic Assessment (up to 8 hours) – Customer will identify building(s) and will receive a basic walk-through of those building(s) to visually review basic energy efficiency opportunities of the building envelope and interior structure.
- Expanded Basic Assessment (up to 24 hours) – Customer receives both a visual walk-through of the facility as well as thermal imaging of the building envelope (excluding roof) with thermal boundary identification.
- Intermediate Assessment (up to 32 hours) – Customer receives a visual walk-through, thermal imaging of the facility (excluding roof), and a blower door assessment (where applicable).
- Expanded Intermediate Assessment (32+ hours) – This assessment will include the visual walk-through, thermal imaging of the facility (excluding roof), a blower door assessment, and combustion analysis (system dependent).
- Full Assessment (32+ hours) – This assessment includes the visual walk-through, thermal imaging of the facility (excluding roof), a blower door assessment, a combustion analysis (system dependent), and a utility bill analysis.
- Customer(s) may also request the following tests by themselves outside of the above menu:
- Blower Door Diagnostics
- Combustion Analysis
- Duct Testing Diagnostics
- Roof (thermal imaging)
Training and Workshops
Is there a topic you want to know more about? Our energy professionals have the resources to organize and plan workshops on various energy related topics. Contact us today!
Utility Bill Analysis
Recognizing that what gets measured, gets managed and that information takes the politics out of decision making, North Central analyzes utility bills to assist clients in identifying and then managing their energy use and associated costs. The UBA benchmarks and evaluates energy use at your facility and can often reveal billing anomalies and patterns that are raising your energy costs.