Everyone counts!  Be a good neighbor and spread awareness in your community.  Information and outreach resources are available at pa.gov/census

The Census deadline is Mid-August.  This document “Uses of Census Bureau Data in Federal Funds Distribution” lists all the programs that are impacted by Census results.  It behooves our residents in our region to complete the Census survey.  So please get the word out, share this information. Forward this documentation and share on social media platforms.  The census completed this year will affect our region for the next 10 years, and impact funding, grants, schools, housing, Medical assistance programs, Fire/EMS, roads, Senior programs, and the list goes on.  

The Census bureau has created a COVID 19 data Hub, that provides demographic risk factor variables as well as economic data on 20 key industries impacted by COVID-19. The link below will take you to the hub.
