The Business Financing Program was established to support the start-up and expansion activities of small businesses which will…


COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR Please fill out the North Central Employment Application, along with sending cover letter…


Call for Projects: Project Intake Form The North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission is committed to…


About the Project

The Economic Development Administration defines the CEDS as a strategy-driven plan for regional economic development. A CEDS is…

Generally, the action plan builds on findings from the SWOT analysis and incorporates elements from other regional plans….

The Data Dashboard is a tool designed to help the residents of North Central Pennsylvania track county and…


serving Elk, Cameron, Clearfield, Jefferson, McKean and Potter Counties

Clearfield & Elk Counties – Joint Comprehensive Plan

Clearfield & Elk Counties are teaming up to establish a Joint Comprehensive Plan to develop strategic goals for future economic growth and to better position both counties for future federal and state funding. For more information & to stay up to date …


  • 1967 – The Federal Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) identifies regional local development districts (LDDs)
  • Late 1970’s – Vocational Technical Schools in the regional were established and received funding for specialized training as well as the schools and their construction
  • Early 80’s – Primary Health Care Centers were a regional and federal priority
  • Mid 1990’s – Multi-tenant centers, industrial incubators, industrial parks, and NCPRPDC Revolving Loan Fund established to assist new and businesses
  • Mid 2000’s – Access roads to support economic growth, basic infrastructure, airport development (PA Wilds, Elk Visitor Center), education, and job training projects
  • 2011 – Creation of the Partnerships for Regional Economic Performance
  • 2019 – New Strategic Plan completed
  • 2020 – Board restructured to align with and support strategic plan implementation

Core Values

  • Professional Trust and Respect
  • Innovation, Adaptability and Leadership
  • Service and Stewardship
  • Accountability and Commitment
  • Partnering and Teamwork
  • Future Focus


North Central is the recognized leader in driving positive change in the region’s community and economic development success.

Our Regional Vision – North Central Pennsylvania is a vibrant economic region with healthy and sustainable communities.

About Image


what our clients had to say...

North Central Pressed Materials Strategy Development Consortium

* 2023 Tech Hubs Strategy Development Grant Recipient Lead Agency: North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission State…

Sandfly Brewing Co.

Cheers to Sandfly Brewing Company, the first microbrewery in Punxsutawney (since Prohibition) ready to open their doors on…

Affordable & Reliable Internet to Rural Communities

In November 2018, my wife and I made the decision to sell out home. The first question from…

High-Speed Broadband to Rural Areas

I am writing this letter to express my most sincere gratitude for providing high-speed broadband to rural areas….

The Laughing Owl Press

North Central PREP Success Story: Resources for a Growing Rural Business Company Background: The Laughing Owl Press is…

Internet Support Letter

This letter is to express our sincere “thank you” for the high-speed internet North Central installed in our…

Penn Highlands Healthcare

Mr. James E. ChorneyExecutive DirectorNorth Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission49 Ridgmont DriveRidgway, PA  15853 Dear Mr….

Sandy Township Supervisors

Mr. Jim Chorney, Executive DirectorNorth Central Regional Planning49 Ridgmont DriveRidgway, PA 15853 RE: Sandy TownshipClearfield County Dear Jim,…