The SBA and Treasury Department have launched the new Paycheck Protection Program to help keep employees on payroll and small businesses operation. (With attachments regarding the program from ) These are loans that may be fully forgiven when used for payroll costs, interest on mortgages, rent, and utilities (at least 75% of the forgiven amount must have been used for payroll.) Small business can apply through any existing SBA 7(a) lender or through any participating federally insured depository institutions, federally insured credit unions, and Farm Credit System institutions. Other regulated lenders will available to make these loans once they are approved and enrolled in the program. You should consult with your local lender as to whether it is participating in the program. Additional information about this program is available at Lenders may begin processing loan applications as soon as April 3, 2020.
SBA emergency capital programs are available today and include:
- Paycheck Protection Program Loans: For small businesses needing funds to pay up to 8 weeks of payroll costs including benefits. May also be used to pay interest on mortgages, rent, utilities. These are loans that may be fully forgiven. Additional information about the program is available at
- Economic Injury Disaster Loans (low-interest, long-term loans up to $2 million): The first payment is deferred for 12 months. The application has been simplified and can be completed 100% online through our web portal
- Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance up to $10,000: The form to apply is part of the Economic Injury Disaster Loan application noted above. If approved, these funds can be used for payroll and other operating expenses and will be forgiven. Businesses that did not originally apply for the advance may apply now.
- SBA Disaster Assistance Customer Service Center: can be reached at1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339) and for questions and guidance on the loan application process, including business eligibility.
- SBA Express Bridge Loan allows small businesses who currently have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to access up to $25,000 with less paperwork. These loans can be a term loan or used to bridge the gap while applying for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan funding.
- Current SBA 7(a) loans, 504 loans, or Microloans: Payments will be deferred for 6 months by the lender.
- Existing SBA Disaster Loans (from previous Disaster declarations): Payments have been deferred through Dec. 31, 2020. Although no application for this is needed, businesses are required to stop/restart preauthorized debits for this.
Our staff and our SBA Resource Partner network of Small Business Development Centers, SCORE Chapters, and Women’s Business Centers, continue to support small businesses with accessing resources and navigating funding programs. Our web-site at has an online copy of our Resource Guide listing contact info for all of our SBA Resource and Lending partners:
Your local county economic development organization will have information on applying for any available County and State Loan/Grant Programs. The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop can be reached at | 1-833-722-6778, Option 0. |
Please sign up for emails at and follow us on Twitter at: to receive more information and updates, and kindly contact me if you have found this information helpful or need further assistance.
For Businesses Wanting to Sell Medical Supplies or Equipment to the Commonwealth of PA
The Commonwealth Pennsylvania created a new web portal that will expedite the procurement of critical medical supplies. Click Here to complete and submit the critical medical supplies procurement form.
For Businesses Wanting to Sell or Provide Medical Supplies or Equipment to the Federal Government
• To sell medical supplies or equipment to the federal government, please submit a price quote under the COVID-19 PPE and Medical Supplies Request for Quotation. Full details can be found in the solicitation (Notice ID 70FA2020R00000011).
o This solicitation requires registration with the System for Award Management (SAM) in order to be considered for award, pursuant to applicable regulations and guidelines. Registration information can be found at Registration must be “ACTIVE” at the time of award. The SEDA-COG Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) can help you register in SAM. Contact our PTAC for SAM registration assistance.
• If you have medical supplies or equipment to donate, please provide us details on what you are offering.
• If you are a private company that wants to produce a product related to the COVID response – email
• If you are a hospital and other companies in need of medical supplies, contact your state Department of Public Health and/or Emergency Management.
• If you are interested in doing business with FEMA and supporting the response to COVID- 19 with your company’s non-medical goods and/or services, please submit your inquiry to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Procurement Action Innovative Response Team (PAIR) team at
Healthcare workers and first responders
If you are looking for additional personal protective equipment (PPE) or other healthcare supplies, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency has a process to apply for unmet need requests here:
Unemployment Compensation and Paid Family Leave
While unemployment compensation eligibility determinations are made by the states, Congress recently made a number of changes to directly address COVID-19 concerns.
You can find more information by going to these state Unemployment Compensation resources:
PA COVID-19 Unemployment Compensation Homepage
PA Unemployment Compensation Handbook
PA Unemployment Compensation Self-Service Portal
The United States Department of Labor has put together these resources to help you with information on paid family leave and COVID-19 sick time information:
April 4, 2020
Wolf Administration Announces New Resource for Manufacturers to Produce COVID-19-Related Supplies
Harrisburg, PA – Today, Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Secretary Dennis Davin announced the creation of the Pennsylvania Manufacturing Call to Action Portal, which will mobilize manufacturers that are producing COVID-19-related products and supplies or can pivot to producing COVID-19-related supplies.
“As we work to protect public health and safety and create a robust supply chain, we know that there are manufacturers across the commonwealth who are willing and able to help,” said Sec. Davin. “This portal will help facilitate the connections businesses need to get critical COVID-19-related products to market or retrofit their operations to begin production of those products.”
The portal was developed through a joint effort between DCED, the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association, the Pennsylvania Chemical Industry Council, Ben Franklin Technology Partners, the Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania, IRC Network, Life Sciences PA, Pennsylvania Life Sciences Greenhouses, and the PA Chamber of Business and Industry.
Last week, Governor Wolf announced the creation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Critical Medical Supplies Portal to source the most needed supplies for medical providers, emergency responders, and health care professionals. The Pennsylvania Manufacturing Call to Action Portal builds on those efforts to help manufacturers produce COVID-19-related supplies or retool their operations to begin creation of those supplies.
The Pennsylvania Manufacturing Call to Action Portal will help facilitate business connections for expansion of supply chain capacity and manufacturing innovation. The goal is to match manufacturers and distributors to fill specific supply chain needs to meet increasing demands for medical supplies and related products, assist manufacturers that have workforce needs or gaps and aid them in identifying skilled workers, and identify manufacturers that can pivot or innovate to fulfill the demand for medical supplies and related products.
Pennsylvania’s manufacturers, distributors, and other suppliers should visit the portal to report their critical supply chain capabilities, needs, or workforce gaps or innovative opportunities, which will help DCED staff identify opportunities and solutions.
Questions can be directed to
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, Pennsylvanians should follow and
U.S. Department of Agriculture – Information to help rural communities and businesses during COVID19.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Information for communities during COVID-19.
The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors – Information for townships on COVID-19.
The Pennsylvania Boroughs Association – Information available for Boroughs on COVID-19.
The Pennsylvania Municipal League – Information on COVID-19 for local leaders.
PA Department of Health COVID-19 Information
- Keep updated on the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 information from the Department of Health Click Here
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act -
Please click on this link to find available funding for businesses, medical, manufacturing and for the community you live in. Please look through all the helpful information concerning the COVID-19 virus.