The Data Dashboard is a tool designed to help the residents of North Central Pennsylvania track county and regional progress towards priorities in the CEDS and Resiliency Plan.
This page, viewable by individual county or as a six-county region, highlights the five Guiding Principles of the CEDS plan and a high-level snapshot of a few key population data points.
Guiding Principles
- Expand and strengthen employment and education opportunities that provide stable family wage jobs.
- Invest in entrepreneurship and home-grown business development to build a sustainable, diverse economy.
- Preserve and invest in the region’s natural and cultural assets to strengthen economic potential.
- create and or improve reliable, consistent access to critical infrastructure in North Central Pennsylvania.
- Provide sufficient availability of right-sized, right-prices housing throughout each county within the North Central Pennsylvania region.
For more detail information about the Data Dashboard, please visit: or contact Katie Lenze with any questions at 814.773.3162 ext. 3060